3PO/Marauders Calling in Favors

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treygosfa 287

This is a fun thing I've been playing. Streetwise is a hard Mulligan target, and getting 2 on board early is just delightful. Most opponents have never even seen A Good Investment played, but it's super fun to play Truce, tap Calling in Favors and both Streetwise for net 6 resources. Ramp early and hope you're not playing Ewoks and this deck can be a ton of fun, using your opponent's own dice to kill them. Surprisingly explosive, and fun with rarely used cards like Reluctance, so you can use 2 of Reversal, Conveyex Robbery, or Bravado without your opponent being able to resolve but one die!

2 个回复

DarthJarJar66 19

This is evil....

and that is what makes Destiny fun!

Out of curiosity, how often do you resolve your opponent's dice?

treygosfa 287

Technically, only resolve them with Conveyex Robbery. That and Bravado are your best bet vs Mill. Reversal punishes the big damage dice.