Aphra and the Gang

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Derived from

Darth Nikola 106

This is my take on Dr. Aphra. I've been playing a variation on Aphra since I started since she was one of my first legendaries. I had Captain Phasma in Val's spot for a long time, but I'm trying Val out for fun. I also had Nute in Conan's spot for a long time, but decided he is ultimately going at cross purposes for the deck. I like the Delve + Planetary Bombardment combo because the deck draws so many cards, it's not unreasonable to find it. I need to get a couple Automated Defenses which will replace a couple of the 1-ofs that I'm unsatisfied with next time I play. Finding BT-1 is clutch so you can start your engine, but I don't like playing multiples of unique cards, so I am happy with most of the other supports. Mulliganing hard for BT-1 is important, not losing the doctor early is also important. Late-game just let the supports to all the damage and stay alive!


  • 2x Hailfire Droid Tank