Made by John Wicken

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4 个回复

stevdav 77

There are only 2 unique upgrades in here and one has redeploy. What use is the plot as opposed to an extra character die?

Jdeyoung 8

Very good point, I need to get more uniques in. I'll admit this is a throw away gimmick deck and I have BTL in there to gain resources faster while playing upgrades and then to keep talisman out and hopefully keep revive someone without simply loosing the talisman as one dies. Any unique upgrades you can suggest and what would you replace them with?

stevdav 77

Honestly not a lot of good choices in villian. A few lightsabers but melee isn't really a witch thing. Dooku, Maul, palp, vader's sabers.

I like running all odds in talzin. I'd pull bacta and niman mastery. Then out goes force wave, pushing slash and niman training. Money is hard ramping when everything costs. Torment is fun to get a few bucks and then overwrite.

Jdeyoung 8

Yeah, ill likely add torment, wasnt so sure about bacta and mastery anyways, and those open some spots for torment and maybe something more... Ill keep thinking on it. Thanks for the comments!