Villain Burn - Louisville Prime top 8

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Rainmaker 52

A couple people at the prime asked to see the decklist so here it is with a recap of the day. Basically the deck is based on damage out of hand and it is very aggressive. Its a rainbow to get access to the best events possible and 4 wide for a beefy 31 health. I only tested it maybe 4 or 5 times before deciding to take it to a prime.

All of the players I played against were awesome. I've seen a few around at other primes, regionals, GQ's etc. and the players I didn't know were great to play with. Shoutout to Travis the judge, who was supposed to play but ended up judging so the event could happen. Kudos

1- Mando/Maul Retribution I felt pretty nervous about this matchup because Maul can do a lot of damage. He opened with a respite into a Maul's saber but only hit the 2 side on the power action. I was able to put in 11 or 12 damage round 1, dropped mando in round 2 and maul had 2 health left and I still had Greedo and Grevious left. He rolled out his Maul and hit a lot of damage sides but I had a paid off in my hand to finish it. We ended up playing in top 8 and he won both games. Win 1-0

2- Iden/Beckett I had both DOA's in my opening hand and did about 13 damage round 1. I targeted Becket early and he just didn't have enough health to comeback. Win 2-0

3- Ewoks/Hoth/Chirpa This was an interesting matchup, Ewoks vs a Villain Burn. He Target acquired Grevious and took him out rd 1 but I was able to put in I think around 14 damage total. From there I stayed ahead on the damage output and got him down to just chief chirpa and an ewok going into rd 3. Win 3-0

4- Leia/Yoda Mill I felt ok about this matchup going into it but after... I'm not sure this deck can win this matchup. My opponent was very aggressive with milling my deck with yoda specials. I had about 8 damage into Leia and he played mend and first aid to get her back down to 3. He also ran a lot of mitigation and played a mind trick at a key juncture to remove what felt like my chance to win that match. I think a 2nd strength in Numbers would have help in this matchup but he milled both intense fires and inflict pains. Loss 3-1

5- Finn/Royal Guard/Satine Bitter Rivalry I didn't feel confident about this matchup because of his high health pool and Finn's special to move damage to me. Since he started with no money with bitter Rivalry my strategy was to target satine rd 1 to keep him off of money and so he couldn't first aid away for 4 Rd 1. I kept pouring in damage and he kept missing on his dice, couldn't get matching sides. He did eventually spike off a full health grievous but by the end of round 3 He only had Finn left with 3 or 4 health. Finn rolled out a 3 ind which I promptly paid off and then claimed Arena my next turn to finish it. It was a very chill game and I if I could play destiny with anybody it would be against him every time. Fun game. Win 4-1

6- Snoke/Mando/Mudtrooper I matched up with the guy I drove to the tourney with who just so happened to be the person I play tested this deck with. This is almost unwinnable. Snoke is a built in Intense fire and it is so consistent with the mudtrooper rerolls. I got ahead in damage early but I couldn't spike off a character and I run little mitigation to control his Mando/Mudtrooper dice. Late game I had a paid off in hand and was planning on using it on a Snoke 2 focus if he rolled it. He did not. But, we both made top cut and he ended up making the finals and was close to winning the whole thing. Loss 4-2

Top 8 Mando/Maul Rematch of my first game. Both games were done in about 15 minutes. He Respited into a Maul's saber the 1st game and it went much different this time. I think I only drew 1 damage card, mostly money making but he put in so much damage that 1st rd I couldn't come back. 2nd Game I drew a basically perfect hand and we had my battlefield. I was feeling good. He rolled out Maul, 2 3melee sides. Fear and Dead Men for 12 damage. Woof. Even so it was very close. I ended up one damage/action short before he finished it (Shakes fist at Bounty hunter mask).

I'm really glad I ran this deck. It was a lot of fun and I got to play with a lot of cards that no one knows and be competitive with them. Best part is sitting down from an opponent and seeing the 'wtf is this deck'. Its great. Takeaway is Cunning ruse = awesome, Sinister ruse = crap.

5 个回复

Henslesax 73

How would this deck have performed against Palp ? Did you have any playtest against it beforehand ?

Rainmaker 52

@HenslesaxI only tested a few times and not against palp. My guess is that it would do ok, depending on how fast palp can ramp in the 1st 2 rounds. I should probably have scorched earth in there for sure

Henslesax 73

I should have started with congrats on making it to the top 8 with your self created deck, sorry !

Either scorched or mind extraction probably yeah. I'm curious into knowing if there are changes you would do to the deck, and what's your ideal starting hand in your opinion ?

TurkeyClubSamich 118

I have been playing and tweaking a version of this deck for months, ever since I saw it posted. I absolutely love the idea, and I think with the right balance, this deck could contend with the very best. I plan to play my burn deck at a Prime Regional on 3/21, and if all goes well, at Worlds. If I make any waves, I'll publish it on here and give you a shout out.

TurkeyClubSamich 118

My current build shares all the same characters and battlefield, and 17/30 of the deck.