Pestering Pirate Entourage Party

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from

chinovalley 322

This deck is fun to play and can have some surprising damage output. The timing of plays/activations is important, not just the characters but also the supports (in particular the Raiding Party). It can make some resources, has decent control, can burst out of hand with Fight Dirty and once the Entourage/scoundrel supports start coming out it can layer on a lot of damage. The Pirate Ship is not entirely needed but, theme. The real key player is Raiding Party, to gain resources as well as provide more pirates for the Plunder card (this can be sneaky awful for the opponent, especially if they have bigger cards to play and build up 3-4 resources). The battlefield is chosen specifically for the Raiding Party, along with the XS Stock Light Freighter that can make money on its own but holds resources for the Raiding Party to take. Those also provide a resource for the Think On Your Feet event. It's fun to play but could be prone to timing issues. Aaarggghh.
