Seeking out Obi-Wan

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from

bluemadmunkey 546

Doctor Aphra puts in 6 ID9 Seeker Droid.

This deck wants to collect as many ID9 Seeker Droid dice in the pool as possible. For Your starting hand you will want up too two ID9 Seeker Droid and a few cards to get resources like XS Stock Light Freighter, Reprogram, Truce, Hustling. Maul and Savage Opress are in this deck to give health so you can survive. if you have no card to spend your recourses on then you can flip Savage Opress for a better dice and 3 extra health. As soon as you can you want to flip Maul for the extra health his dice will help finish off the opposing team.
