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H3pat1tvsJ 37

this is my attempt at an anti Jango/Veers build. with 8 supports, and Hunker Down this deck has the ability to stall out and force your opponent to activate Jango Fett himself, which allows you time to react to his roll. worst case scenario, your opponent passes, you continue adding shields and resources until you're loaded up and ditch his equipment with rolls from the Speeder Bike Scout damage sides and Disarm.

Tactical Mastery is specifically left out because we're not trying to out activate anyone. similarly, we've chosen a battlefield that doesnt hurt us, sonce we'll rarely claim, and lets us pick up Hunker Down for a resource and move it if necessary.

with your resource generation you shoud be able to afford Endless Ranks easily and the rest of the events are pure die mitigation minus the Disarm

redeploy allows you to put the F-11D Rifle and Holdout Blaster on Bala Tik while the Jetpack and Commanding Presence go on Captain Phasma.

once a generic, hopefully ranged based, yellow villain at 8 cost comes out, we'll replace Bala with them for even more guardian.

I plan to do a lot of testing this week so I'll know more howit actually handles a live opponent and if it can handle Dooku/Jabba, Ambush Rey, Admiral Luke, etc.

as always, constructive criticism is always welcome. :)
