eRey pada-Wackbar

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cobaltblue 1

[ eRey pada-Wackbar ]

Primary win condition is...


However the opponent does not know that.

Even after you use your first [ Patience ] potentially into

[ Command Center ] claim combo...

You want the opponent to be focused on mitigating the kill shot (coming next round) on their main character by playing cards (removal, rerolls-to-kill, shields, healing, etc).

Bit of a lofty statement but wanted to emphasize that the damage threat needs 2b4realz.

( yep, they can kill your primary damage as a way of saving their main )


( before your first character is defeated )

try to achieve at least one (ehh, let's say 1.5) of the following...

  • opponent's primary (or your primary target) within ~2 unblockable damage from being defeated.
  • attach [ One With The Force ] and/or [ Lightsaber ] potentially with an activation / partial-resolve before death.
  • play 1st [ Patience ] . ( you'll have to weigh this versus resolving the dice of the dying character )


Making an assumption that [ Admiral Ackbar ] is not the common first character to be defeated. If he is, you should consider current state and make the decision if you want to go for a damage victory.

If ack is meat shield, [ Padawan ] and [ Rey ] can dish with the best of them (or even better).

But back to discard...

Another high priority goal is...

defeat your primary target.

...hopefully removing some powerful dice / char abilities from the game. Yes, of course weigh the redeploy capabilities; however, the character and its dice are usually worth it.

prioritize [ Close Quarters Assault ] early in a round.

  • before resolving single base (black) damage. (assuming you have at least 1 modifier)
  • before [ Lightsaber ] special. (of course weigh in kill shots)
  • before [ Scout ] special.
  • even sometimes before focusing to more melee damage.

All right, those are again bold statements...but just wanting you to weigh the risk/reward of random discard combo'd with ack's ability as a small threat. You do not have to get their entire hand but you want to snag some extras before resolving the melee damage. Also fear the [ Probe ] against respective team compositions.

Personally, if discard of any kind gets them down to one card in should feel safe to maximize whatever you are doing with your dice. (keeping in mind other removal opponent can have in play)


Q: Why so much singleton in the events & support cards?

A: Some of the cards share and have overlapping responsibilities.
Others are mid-late game only.  
[It Binds All Things] is basically only 1st (maybe 2nd) round worthy otherwise discard-reroll fodder.
The removal / damage mitigation cards can be tweaked to meta.
But also, I found singleton can make deck building more enjoyable especially when contemplating the last few cards lingering in that "sideboard" region.

Q: The deck appears to be [ ++ ] . Do you have enough stuff to spend it on?

A: Well, trying to maximize the dice count for [Patience] means I'm not really doing any upgrade replacement if I don't have to.  In this sense everything costs full price.  Yeah, this means not using [Rey] ability combo'd with come-into-play effects.  Besides [Jedi Robes], I don't think there are any others.
( note: no [Comlink] / Ambush upgrades )

Q: If going for discard win condition, why not use [ Padme Amidala ] ?

A: I could be wrong but from my experience playing against [Padme] blue decks, I felt just knowing they probably have [Patience] in their deck gave me an advantage.  I would hold back on using events to negate "tickle" damage if-you-will.  I would instead discard-to-reroll to maximize aggro (my hand was gonna be discarded usually by end of round anyway).  [Thermal Detonator] and [Infiltrate] / [Cunning] were less appealing than [Ackbar] ability and his extra resources + [Scout].
4 个回复

thrazznos 14

It seems like you are trying to hide the fact that you are doing a mill strategy, but the battlefield of choice makes it pretty clear that you are trying to mill your opponent.

I expect people to start attempting to counter the mill immediately upon seeing that, has that been your experience?

cobaltblue 1

you're absolutely right, it is a little giveaway. However, I have used this battlefield in decks where I am very unlikely to claim (least effective in the meta).

the thought was of course to not claim first few rounds and amp up the resources and melee damage pressure. Ultimately, forcing them to mitigate damage w/ removal (the weakest form of discard in my mind -- b/c they likely have to use a card to do so). If they are glass-cannon setup, am hoping to show enough damage that they are forced to do that.

If I win the roll-off, I wouldn't be opposed to taking the fight to opposing battlefields (depending on the team comp). 2 shields on padawan can go a long way.

The times when I claim are more likely in the patience / all-in resolutions. Command Center is just a solid bonus on top.

I am banking on my own inexperience the first few times I played against discard. What I learned to try and counter was simply to let them resolve damage (don't mitigate hard by using cards) and use my cards for max aggro via reroll etc.

What are the other common methods used to counter it? Thoughts anyone?

cobaltblue 1

well i guess i should mention the obvious one before someone remarks..

It is the most basic one regarding discarding to fish for better cards in the upkeep phase.

Happens more often when...

  • claiming earlier in round
  • resolve after initial roll(s) -- no discard to reroll
  • need for a specific card (or 2) is highest priority

Other than that, I don't know exactly...

Maybe the rare (or more specific) scenario where you would [ Hyperspace Jump ] to Jakku [ Starship Graveyard ]


[ Closing the Net ]

( wonder if this will be more applicable after next set )

cobaltblue 1

focusing to [ Admiral Ackbar ] 's discard just really hinders the round for YOU as well. just too situational...and really only wanted to do it if it landed straight up which is rare w/ single die ack.

Adding the All-in b/c the focus into ack 2x focus into 5+ damage kill shot was available all too often. All non-blank sides of character dice (if modifiers can be applied) are worthy resolutions. Bonus you might be able to claim.

Lastest game, I did [ Patience ] a 5 dice [ Rey ] and was able to [ Leadership ] . Was fun combo even when the dice don't land.

I need the patience in hand when I roll ++ in mid game (turn 4+). The resources might as well be blanks.