Phasmagasm 2: Electric Bluegaloo

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from
B/R Phasma 0 0 0 1.0

SinisterSmooth 7

major WIP

02/13/16 - entered a small local tourney and got wrecked haha. 0-3 against: eLeia/eAckbar - rolled poor and couldn't draw anything upgrade wise

eKylo/eDooku - just got stomped. guy rolled 2 holocrons into a force throw and mind probe by turn 3

eKylo/raider/nightsister - almost won this one (only had kylo left with 5 health) but got beat in the end as I lost my sister super early.

02/14/16 - updated to remove holocron shenanigans, added promotion x 2 and datapd x 2.

3 个回复

sruman 1

Although Force Throw is a great card, I think the Holocron strategy is too variable here given it's inherent variance and only 5 force powers (2 of them not really being a big deal to get for free). Personally, I would consider taking out of the force upgrades and holocrons for more red/neutral ones. Perhaps datapads (work well with power of dark side), promotions, another IQA, etc. On the datapad/promotion note, I think those would be better economic options that enrage and logistics but some like the guaranteed better than dice roll.

SinisterSmooth 7

I think you're 100% right. In the tournament I played yesterday the holocrons didn't really hit very often for me beyond helping my POTDS. I think your resource point is correct too, I'll be making some tweaks and using it in another tournament tonight.

sruman 1

I've been trying this - -- with some success just as a comparison.