Guava Enforcers

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from
Cannon Fodder 1 1 0 1.0

JurassicPorkins 31

This deck is build upon an earlier Tuscan Raider and 3 Trooper deck. I have made some major alterations to make this deck work. There is no major target for the opponent to focus on so they tend to aim for the Pilot first.

The deck is meant to function by attaching a single weapon to a single character. There are only 4 weapons; all with Redeploy. However, there are 2 Trainings so you can make any of these characters Elite.

Separatist Base and Backup Muscle are the keys to this deck. I have won more games just using these cards. You have to be willing not to resolve a dice or three in order to claim the battlefield; which gives your opponent a damage and you get to start the next round. If you can do the math and combo out with Backup Muscle and Separatist Base will get you 9 unblockable damage.

Best opening hand is the Squad Tactics / Battle Formation and a gun or Training. Install the gun for first turn, Squad Tactics for the second turn, then fix your dice if you need to with Battle Formation (ambush) and resolve everything against one character. The deck can easily take out Poe or Qui Gon by round two.

The other combo is for end game situations but you need to have two standing Red characters; which is usually easy because people focus on the Pilot and Enforcer first. Let your opponent claim the battlefield. Pass multiple times if you have to. Play Lockdown to take control of the battlefield, then play We Have Them Now. In a perfect play, you will have 2 Troopers with an extra die each (gun or Training) and you hit your opponent for 8 damage.


Moophisto 455

I run a similar list, but run Aftermath x2 to feed into my endless ranks and Cheat x2 to get my endless ranks back. I'm currently running Moisture Farm - Tatooine as my battlefied to help with resources, though Separatist Base - Mustafar wouldn't be bad. Unfortunately though I don't have it.