Babby Vader and Unky Unkar

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siggy2021 75

I didn't see anyone comboing up Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice with Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer, so I thought I'd try it out. I took it to our league night and ended up going 4-1, so I think it has legs. This is a work in progress.

Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice is your damage dealer, and is a powerhouse with what is essentially two 3 damage sides. Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer brings some yellow cards to the table as well as his ability, which is incredible. Between Unkar and Sith Holocron you'll often times find yourself way ahead on upgrades over your opponent.

In the early game you'd like to see Cunning and Sith Holocron. Most people will want to go for Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice first, so stack upgrades on Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer to make him a threat. Even if they do kill Vader first, an Unkar with Force Throw, Minde Probe, and a Vibroknife/Lightsaber can seal the game for you. Use Darth Vader - Sith Lord special as often as you can, 3 damage for 1 damage is a great tradeoff. With Force Illusion and Rise Again he still has plenty of staying power and you don't have to be afraid of taking damage. Anytime Vader rolls a 3 for 1 don't be afraid to pitch it for Unkar's ability if you don't have the resource to use it and don't foresee a way of getting one soon.

If you have an early rise again be liberal with Unkar's ability to build resources and drop it as soon as Vader has 5 damage. Preferably pitch a Mind Probe or Force Throw out of your hand for a re-roll first in order to maximize it's value.

There are a few changes I'm looking to make. I'm still not sure about Momentum Shift or Rejuvenate. The extra health on Vader is great, but they seem minimal. Commando Shuttle in theory is good, but It's only seen play once in 5 games so far. I'd like to get Force Speed in there for some early game tempo, but I only own one at the moment. I'm also considering adding in Force Lightning for Holocron.

4 个回复

mboggess 1

What do you think about putting Ammo Belt in for Rejuvenate to pair with Force Illusion to keep it in play.

siggy2021 75

@mboggess I wouldn't Ammo Belt just for Force Illusion. Getting both cards out at the same time would be to inconsistent to rely on. If you were to work in Armor Plating or if upgrade removal became more prominent then I definitely would consider it.

ToxicZammy 1

I'm glad to hear this deck actually works. I have been working on a similar deck but have been hesitant to try it because I didn't really think it would work. Thanks for sharing this!

siggy2021 75

@ToxicZammy I haven't tested it in a tournament setting yet, just our league which is a little more casual. People are still building things, so it might end up flopping, but I have hope for my goofy little deck.