Bag of Tricks

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Derived from

Electrickery 9

Played this list on TTS earlier this morning and decided to give it a whirl. I don't remember card for card what my opponent used so I just put in good cards that have synergy with each other.

Opening Hand- You want either Vibroknife/Holdoutblater, Electroshock, Infamous, Loth-Cat and Mouse and Force Speed.

Basically like many other hands in Destiny. Removal, an upgrade and turn 2 plays.

Early Game: Rey's action cheating with Force Speed allows Jyn's strong dice to not be mitigated as much and allows you to claim very fast. Moisture farm is very bad late game so action cheating into moisture farm allows you to get very strong turn 2 plays that set the pace of the game.

Don't worry about getting a ton of damage in. Get 2-3 damage in if you can. Pick up a couple resources or discard if you need too. Don't slow yourself down by pitching to re-roll. Take what you can get your first turn and you'll recover later.

Mid game:

By turn 2/3 Rey should be near dead vs most decks. If they start focusing Jyn you're probably very happy because you can put second chance and your enemy is probably very sad. Make sure to have multiple redeploys on Rey whenever shes about to go down. I try to aim for one Bowcaster and one holdout blaster.

Friends in low places comes in very clutch at this point of the game. That pesky ''It's a trap'' bother you? Get it out. ''Rise Again''? Get rid of it. ''Force Strike''? Out the door. Friends in low places really allows you the information to play out your turns and hamper your enemies plans and limits the amount of rerolls they get. Use one 2 side discard of jyn and the enemy is probably down to 1-2 cards. A lot of the time they are stuck with whatt they roll and can't reroll often making things very awkward.

Late game:

By this point your Rey is dead and your Jyn is packing heat. Hopefully she has a second chance,bowcaster and a DL-44. There is a tech ammo belt in the deck in case you need to really live a long time but it's not always needed imo. Your winning combo will always be Infamous > Never tell me the odds into DEATH. That's 8-11 damage coming out of no where that's incredibly difficult to play around unless they remove all your dice. In which case you got second chance to give you another turn hopefully.

That's really about it. Please please please please remember Jyn's ability. It's absolutely SO critical to making big plays. A free electroshock or Let the wookie win or a 2 resource Never tell me the odds are super game winning. Being able to use all your resources turn 1 with a holdout blaster or Vibroknife and making your enemy think you can't mitigate their stuff is really strong. It's hard to play around the free ELectroshock because you don't have that 1 handing resource to give them a clue. Usually 1 resource is a huge tell you are going to remove something. But you can't play around them having nothing. You just pray they don't and that works in your favor.

Good luck! I would love any input.
