Baze and Snap - European Championship Top 4

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In Soviet Russia, Battlefield Claims You! 3 2 0 1.0
eBaze eSnap 0 0 0 1.0

rkik 753

Not my deck,but i play something similar. This deck placed in the top 4 at the European championship. Https://

9 个回复

DreadFool 1

I get that this deck performed very well in a big field and the proof is in the pudding, but I just can't fathom the exclusion of Rearm. Similarly, I'm surprised to see Bombing Run over Guerrilla Warfare which seems to work much better with Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist to enable you to get some value out of his die and still claim. I also rate IQA-11 Blaster Rifle over A180 Blaster in an It's a Trap! deck by a fair margin.

RenHero 1

I love Bombing Run, Disrupt is heavily undervalued and underestimated in this meta even before you consider Snap's ability. The value in Snap's die is in staying on the table until you need it. A180 Blaster's got more reliable damage than IQA, with the second Special side, and a more versatile Special, I think that's more valuable than the marginal one extra damage you'll get from It's a Trap, which is much harder to pull off in this meta, other than Palpatine and Nines you only see incidental ranged sides from the top decks. Too bad there isn't a second Planetary Uprising but I don't see anything to drop with the way this deck is built.

Matt_the_Bro 1

Interesting deck. Love that it is relatively free of legendaries and still competitive. When winning the role -off, do you find yourself selecting your own battlefield over your opponent's or deferring?

rkik 753

@Matt_the_Bro often I would let them have the battlefield to get the shields, but a lot had to do with opening hand. If I had Dug in or Defensive Position I would be more likely to keep the battlefield.

In a prior version, I had New Orders and would let them have the battlefield most of the time.

Foz 1024

@DreadFool What would you cut to fit Rearm? I just looked at the list and I'm having trouble finding anything you can live without. Field Medic is probably about the weakest card on this list, and I wouldn't cut it to play Rearm.

You say you don't like Bombing Run, but I think it's quite good. As long as you have a disrupt side, you do 1 damage to each character for free. I expect it's better than Guerilla Warfare. Some decks have a lot of other ways to use Snap's dice, but this one doesn't so I don't see an issue playing something that uses his sides.

IQA-11 Blaster Rifle is better in some Trap decks, but that's because most Trap decks run piles of focus so the higher damage side would matter more often. This deck doesn't do that, so the bigger side probably only gets turned to once a game for 1 whole extra damage. A180 Blaster has better avg damage output, a far more versatile special, and includes a black side that helps use other modified sides more easily. A180 is probably better in this deck, though it depends how much value you place on the side IQA has.

DreadFool 1

@Foz I wouldn't cut Field Medic either. I figure Surgical Strike is in there for Imperial Inspection, is that right? One-of feels pretty random ... same with the one Planetary Uprising. I tend to think you'd generally get more utility out of Rearm then either of those in a typical game. They would be my choice for cuts.

Suppression is a card I dislike in this deck, because ranged sides are your victory condition, but the fact is you need it because of the lack of other options (although Flank could be worthwhile in the current meta as a way to get rid of a Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot or Palpatine - Galactic Emperor at the start of a round ... but it also costs a ).

I don't dislike Bombing Run generally and see the utility of it. I just see Guerrilla Warfare as doing something similar, but perhaps slightly more valuable. I see Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist's sides as usually being effective as an implied threat. Rolling usually means your opponent will immediately spend all their which then turns on Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist's anti-claiming effect. Bombing Run doesn't do anything (except a couple of pings of damage) unless they put you in a position where you want to actually resolve the . If you do play Bombing Run and resolve that , there's a good chance you've turned off Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist's effect. Meanwhile, Guerrilla Warfare also gives you a damage, but because of ambush allows you to still claim and retain control of the battlefield. I think I'd like it a lot more in Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot/Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist, since Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot has a side that no one expects you to resolve (I like the sneaky plays) and could supplement the deck's reduced AoE capability (since you don't have Thermal Detonator). At any rate, it's possibly not a big enough difference to matter much and might therefore be categorised as 'seasoning to taste'. Shrug.

As for A180 Blaster vs IQA-11 Blaster Rifle, you and @RenHero have corrected my thinking on that front. I'm now on team A180 Blaster.

DreadFool 1

It occurred to me after posting that Surgical Strike is probably more aimed at an opposing Planetary Uprising which is probably more prevalent in the current meta. It mightn't be the best cut if that's what you're looking for it to do.

Foz 1024

@DreadFool I was guessing Surgical Strike must be for that as well. There aren't even that many other targets played right now... but that one card is a pretty big pain. I do like the idea of playing Rearm instead though - it's more generally useful, and playing a 3-cost for 2 is probably going to hep you out against Inspection also, so the help against that card isn't lost entirely.

Planetary Uprising isn't really random - in a deck focused on denying and trying to control battlefield, a card that does damage when you claim could do a lot of work. So I understand why that's here - I'm less sure of C-3PO though. What do you think the intention is behind Threepio? You can do random odd things that could be useful, but overall I don't think I'd usually want him. Maybe I'm missing some obvious great trick, though.

It looks to me like the intent behind Bombing Run, Suppression, and Surgical Strike is to put together a package of things to use Snap's dice in ways that are better than resolving them. The best thing you can likely roll on him is 1 resource or 1 damage, and it gets worse pretty quickly from there. Even if Bombing Run doesn't land the disrupt, it is still replacing one of Snap's dice with damage. The 2 damage it will do against most decks is twice as much as Guerrilla Warfare. As you indicate the effect of is often to prompt your opponent to spend their resources, so what are you doing with after you rolled it and they act? Throwing it to Guerrilla Warfare for 1 damage at round end, or to Bombing Run for 2-ish damage during the round. The battlefield in this deck also helps you be able to use for bombing while letting a die you may want to resolve sitting in the pool - Rebel War Room - Yavin IV can, if nothing else, resolve the last Snap die from the pool when you claim.

Anyway, doing damage seems priority, and Snap has a ton of ways to roll 2 sides that don't really help that at all. I expect it's pretty common that using Bombing Run or Suppression on one of his dice is the best thing you could have done with his roll in a given round. You could always reroll to try to hit his 1 or 1 sides, but Baze has so many playable sides that he isn't likely to require much rerolling at all so you're probably taking extra actions just to roll Snap dice. It will be both slow and painful to try to roll him onto the 2 sides you might actually want. I'd probably rather just throw most of his roll as bombs or suppression.

DreadFool 1

@Foz fair point on Rebel War Room - Yavin IV. I hadn't thought of that. As long as you get (and keep, i.e. no New Orders shenanigans) your battlefield, Bombing Run probably is the more useful card.

I agree on Planetary Uprising as well. It's just that I'd play it as two-of or none-of.