Maz Windu (and Chopper)

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from
Maz Windu 1 1 0 1.0

ProfessorHawk 39

I had actually written off Chopper, and put him into my trade pile immediately. Then I was looking at ways to get more out of my Maz Windu deck, I was thinking about getting rid some of my credit spending events. This led me to the realization that Chopper could really just be an on field electroshock when Maz rolls focus. (Given she rolls in after Chopper) So I replaced a Force Heal with Chopper and took out my Electroshocks for Loth Cat's. While Loth Cat does require losing a die, it doesn't require Maz to be alive to play. I haven't gotten to try it out, but will be taking this to my FLGS tonight.
