The Prince and the Gangster (with guide)

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Thrawn and Dart "The Demidog"! (with guide) 0 0 0 1.0

Chimaera 276

With the loss of Thrawnkar I've decided to continue to pursue a mill/crime lord Thrawn deck, enter Thrawn and Jabba. Now to kick off the first big change is the sad loss of Unkar. I hd the largest debate deciding between Unkar and Jabba and finally decided for the latter based on these points;

1) Jabba has a natural 2 discard, fantastic finisher with a much more tempting target Elite Thrawn. Unkar Has this nativel true but it requires the loss of dice and random reward to discard 1 card.

2) More health, more staying power, longer the ability to spot yellow

3) Jabba's ability is synergistic with loads of upgrade,enter the utimate dice removal of cable launcher and crime lord if a lack of focus is apparent.

So with this Ive decided to test this deck so some points on how Ive ran it and how its gone 5 for 5 against Ahsoka, Hera and Phasma decks.

How to play

Mulligan for crucial cards, when I look at my opening hand I'm hunting Local Garrison, Cable Launcher or Chance Cube. Reasoning Local garrison is immense to cripple your opponent from turn 1, limits upgrade, limits damage. Cable launcher is crazy good control in this deck, Jabbas re roll and focus help get to that special every time, fanatastic control. Only limit of Cable Launcher is yellow only so play after opponent resolves most damage in the first turn thus allowing Thrawn to be the more tempting target.


From here the tactic doesn't change much use supports to gather resources and events to mitigate. Aim for crime lord or buy out depending the opening turn layout.

Some reasoning for cards;

Quadjumper: Non unique hound producing shields and resource with added focus, found it very useful in conjunction with a Hounds Tooth.

Commanding Presence: Good backup card if Jabba become target, has minimal dice removal and the ability to grab 4 resources of one dice to fuel buy out and ace in the hole Crime Lord.

Imperial discipline: Sam as above and guaranteed resource.

Some cards that could be interesting;

More mitigation in the form of one quarter portion and closing net. Wait I know closing net but I believe it to have uses to remove those single dice roll out LRK cannons now on the rise and some mill prevention (basically would use it the same way as DL-44)

So in summary I've had a ton of fun with this deck with a lot of ability to counter many roles and plays. In summary I feel like the great strategist Thrawn and have tons of fun.

Cheers guys :)
