Phasma / 2 Vet.Stormtroopers [VillainRed] w/Guide

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VillainRed 108

"Whatever you're planning, it won't work." -Captain Phasma

The main idea

This is an alternative old phasma deck. The objective of this deck is redistribute the enemy damage to your Stormtroopers, in order to use Endless Ranks on them when they died.

You also put all the upgrades in only a Stormtrooper, in order to use Leadership or Red Alert on him.

Map choice

We are gonna let the opponent have the initiative, in order to activate after him and use the guardian in the stormtroopers. Due to this, we wont be able to claim a lot. That is why I decided to pick Secret Facility - Scarif, because is a map that if the opponent claims, it isn't terrible for us.

Redistribution of damage

In this deck is important to avoid the damage in Phasma (because is the only character in who you can't use Endless Ranks. Thanks to the Guardian ability of Phasma and cards like Cannon Fodder, Crash Landing and Red Alert this is easily doable.


The weapons with redeploy are really useful. Be aware don't activate all your character if one of your characters with redeploy weapons is going to die or you will lose the change of rolling that upgrade dices again in another character in that turn. Sometimes the opponent wont kill one of your characters if he has some weapons with redeploy or if you can use Endless Ranks on him. in that case, cards like Cannon Fodder, Crash Landing and Red Alert can help you to kill your own character.


It is indispensable in order to be able to use Endless Ranks. The earlier you deploy it, the better. This is a card that I always want to have in the first hand.


I recommend you to put all the upgrades in a Stormtrooper, in order to use, when he is fully loaded, Leadership. For only one cost, and exhausting Phasma (who should be only 1 die) you can reactivate the Stormtrooper with all his upgrade die. It is fantastic!

Red Alert

I can't describe with words how useful is this event. When you have a fully loaded character, this is a turning tide event. And if the opponent has already claimed, (a lot of times happens) he won't be able to mitigate any of your dice, allowing you to deal ideally until 8 damage. I have won a lot of games thanks to this event.

Endless Ranks

This is a turning tide card. If you get to use it, and revive one of your characters (specially the Veteran Stormtrooper or the Death Trooper) your probabilities to win increase a lot. I have won lots of games thanks to using this card in the precise moment. The only problems are their cost (you have to keep in mind saving some resources for it in the right moment) and you have to draw it in the exact moment, although with 2 cards in the decks almost every time I need this card I get it.
