Vehicle Party, 11-1 So Far

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Derived from
Wedges Vehicles 1 1 0 1.0
A whole Wedge of discount Vehicles - (Recent GNK Winner) 6 4 2 1.0
A whole Wedge of discount Vehicles (Top 8 at Euros) 16 12 6 2.0
Vehicle Party, 28-4 So Far, w/ WotF 23 18 10 3.0

GregtheBiz 391

Have had tons of success with this deck against all comers. Has enough splash damage to defeat mill or shield generating decks, has enough survivability to survive OTK and 5 die villains. Only main threat is Boba specials that force you to pass on rolling out Resistance Bomber or HWK-290, that's what planned explosion is for. Y-Wing is the star, other than C-3PO who is a star in every deck he is in.

There is only 1 modified side in the entire deck, on Wedges die, so mass removal can be avoided by slowly rolling out and resolving 1 at a time, which leads to the opponent claiming and you having an uninterrupted field day afterward.

Opening Hand:

Always keep the HWK-290 and Y-Wing, 1 Tech Team and 1 Rally Aid. There are enough mitigation and healing cards that the main goal of the first turn is to get out 2 vehicles.

If your battlefield is not chosen, shields go on Rose, giving you 2, 11 life characters from the start.

Most opponents go for Wedge first due to his amazing Power Action, which is fine because Rose is the star, and opponents can get very frustrated when you play multiple healing events on Wedge and keep him alive a turn or 2 longer than they thought.

Mill is a win con that has occurred a couple times, but obviously not the first choice. An HWK 4 for 1 to annihilate a players hand with C-3PO can never be understated.

Most of the damage capacity of this deck comes up after the opponent claims, and playing a locked and loaded into a planned explosion just feels so darn sweet!

14 个回复

GregtheBiz 391

Please comment your thoughts or ideas.

Tybrid 922

Any competitive player is gonna kill the Jedha first to turn off your spot yellows. I'd kill Wedge last.

GregtheBiz 391

In a tournament where deck lists are exchanged, I could see changing the electroshock for an Unpredictable/Loth-Cat. Thank you for the advice.

borghe 291

might consider Honor Guard, Suppression Field or similar to add some mitigation. If they burst Jedha fast enough not only does it kill Easy Pickings and Electroshock but also makes Garbage Chute much more desperate. Also refit feels like overkill with eRose, and 2xRally Aid and 2xTech Team.

TheForceAirbender 7

I would take out Refit, Locked and Loaded, Crash Landing for another Into The Garbage Chute, and possibly Negotiate and Loth-Cat and Mouse. Or what you can do as an option is find ways to optimize max damage with your vehicle supports. So cards like Strategic Planning or Reckless Reentry can give you that extra damage if ya need it. And it also opens up a "second chance" if you don't roll a value of 10 with your dice for Planned Explosion.

GregtheBiz 391

@borghe Honor Guard looks like it would be a good replacement for Electroshock since I am always the slower player, thanks

@zukoaang Strategic Planning was the last card cut and Locked and Loaded is the blowout play for after the opponent claims, whether it be for max damage or setting up planned explosion. Loth-Cat and Mouse is a tough one to play simply because my dice are almost always more valuable than the one that I get to remove. I havent tested Negotiate yet, though I most likely will at my next tournament.

AndrewL12 232

Really like the deck btw. I've been testing it out, but built a little differently to add more consistency. Basically, taking out a lot of the 1 ofs and putting in more 2 ofs. Only one of's in my new list are 1x locked and loaded and 1x millenium falcon. Heres the changes: -1x Republic cruiser (Hate this card lol) +1x C-3PO (This card deserves more respect ;) ), 2 of in these kinds of decks is awkward cus hes unique, but drawing him is so insanely good early on. +1 Garbage chute (worth playing 2, its a great card) -1 Mend (too much healing I guess) -1 Planned explosion -1 Electroshock +2 fang fighters -2 refits as well +2 flanks.

I havent lost yet, 5-0, but I also haven't played against too many meta decks yet lol let me know what u think!

GregtheBiz 391

@AndrewL12 I agree completely that C-3PO deserves more respect. I believe he is one of the top 5 best cards in the game. Fang Fighter was a tough one for me, but I believe it is the worst of the 3-cost vehicles and was the last vehicle cut for the Republic Cruiser, because if you simply replace the on its dice with 2, it looks like a steal for 2. The 1 of Flank was taken out for planned explosion, simply because having the ability to do that kind of direct damage on turn 1 is incredible. Please let me know how your play testing goes, and how much fun it is to say the words, "14 Indirect Damage" to someone who claimed and then watched in horror as you re-roll and power action your dice.

The only thing I actually disagree with is the "too much healing". In a deck that needs to build its board state, survivability is key. Whoever your opponent goes after first, if you give them shields with Republic Cruiser and then play a Field Medic and a Mend on them, not only does it keep them alive much longer than anticipated, it is incredibly discouraging to an opponent. Also you are building your board state for the end game when you have an insurmountable amount of powerful dice.

moicanorj 21

You already tested at least one copy of the pirate speedeer tank? it 1 more red than the falcon but with better sides. Or you think its to much expensive to use it?

GregtheBiz 391

@moicanorj Yes, the speeder tank was tested but seemed to be too expensive, especially early. Plus, the extra activation from the Falcon is quite helpful for such a slow deck.

TheHyperloops 3691

Nice deck. Looks strong

GregtheBiz 391

16-3 now after 22 person tournament held in Virginia. 5-2 and made it to the semifinals, needed 1 removal card the last round to most likely win. Maybe next time. Rolled over a couple decks in the tournament, including some great players. Cant wait to see what the new set brings.

Note: Switched out Planned Explosion for Honor Guard after the tournament. Noticed that in a tournament setting, I played slower, activating and resolving 1 ship at a time to avoid blowout mitigation plays. Doesnt leave a lot of opportunity to play the explosion. Plus with Indirect damage, after round 2 the card is completely useless.

GregtheBiz 391

@TheHyperloops Thanks for the call out in your Exploring for Worlds #2. Could I ask what Card choices you didnt like? Always looking to learn.

TheHyperloops 3691

Don't love refit, shock, explosion and Mend. Def would have 2nd 3po, friends and Flanks. I want to test locked cuz I'm not sure about it but I like it in theory. I'm open to testing crash landing but I generally haven't liked it outside of Aphra decks. Currently very concerned with beating mill and bunch of cards that are dead makes it worse. That's just meta considerations though. I like the idea of locked because it's proactive.