Poe Maz 2.0

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from
Poe Maz 2.0 2 0 3 1.0
L3 Poe 0 0 0 3.0

gemixin 9

A new and updated MazPoe deck for the latest sets. The idea is you play Rex's Blaster Pistol on Poe and Maz's Goggles on Maz so you can activate and resolve in one action. Use C-3PO and his ability to resolve Poe's die as a special and discard cards like Thermal Detonator to do 3 damage to each opponent. Use the battlefield claim to put Thermal Detonator back to the top for reuse next round. Maz's Vault and Logistics should help with resource generation so towards the end of the game you can play one of the bigger cost vehicle cards and roll it in for more damage.
