Zoom Zoom Pew Pew

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MalaciousMawloc 151

The idea is to take this to a couple regionals near me... haven't got to test it as much as I'd like. Tips, tricks?

And one big question, if I start with a Falcon in hand, is it better to Mull or keep?

2 个回复

ferrsabs 78

drop hand cannon for a dorsal turret replace suppressive fire for shield generator and replace the pinned downs for an other retreat and an attack run. replace strategic planning for defensive position

MalaciousMawloc 151

`@ferrsabs Why the Dorsal turret over the cannon? I already have lots of mods for one vehicle and hand cannon is dirty good

I agree with the strategic plannings and the pinned downs thanks. But I think suppressive fire is too important with Vader’s and my low health pool. I was thinking about an R-2 Astromech in place of one strategic planning cause I forgot the errata when building the decklist