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Mill | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
A Viceroy, a Colonel, and a Gambler | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Queklaine 222
Rd 1 vs eBoba/eDengar
Rd 2 vs Aphra/Grevious/Messenger/Armored Reinforcements
Rd 3 vs eQira/eHonda/No Allegiance
Rd 4 vs eTarkin/ePhasma2
I had the idea for this deck a few weeks ago but hadn't actually sat down and built it. I found a version of it already built on here by kestral2040 so I want to give some credit to them and those who posted suggestions to it. I reviewed that deck and all the comments before building my own version
My final round of the tournament is posted on the Dice Commando youtube channel for those who want to check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA_o2LKGAk4&t=1s
This listing is currently the one I am using now. But there is one card I changed since the tournament. I had used crosshairs successfully all threw testing this deck but I didnt play it a single time in the tournament. I had added a copy of entangle at the last second which I used in every match and was always happy to see. In the video, I was running 2 crosshairs and only 1 entangle. Other than that, this is the deck I was playing
I actually changed 3 cards right before the tournament after a week of testing. Entangle was the first one. I wasnt running it at all because I was worried about having too much spot yellow in case someone went after Jabba early. I was running sound the alarm before that. Even though its soft removal, playing it with deja vu is quite good considering the double reroll pretty much eliminates someone rolling back into damage since they have to do it twice. And its a zero cost event to double. I swapped it for entangle because I only 6 of my 11 removal were yellow. I decided I wanted a 7th one I could get with Jabbas ability
Electroshock was the other late addition. I swapped it in in place of by any means. During testing, I ran into the issue of not being able to remove specials since by and means and sinister peace can only remove values of 2 or above. This left me with 6 removals, since I still had sound the alarm in at that point and no entangle, that could get specials, and 2 of them were red so I couldnt get them with Jabba.
So ultimately, I gave up on my worries about the spot yellow cards and just played them anyway. Everyone hates Nute so hes almost always the first target. The longer the game goes, the nastier Yularn's ability becomes and I always try to play gran moff on them asap. Jabba is just there to cycle threw for yellow events. By turn 3, I've gone threw my whole deck and organized any cards I've placed back under so I have a pretty good idea of whats coming at that point. Even though taking out Jabba early hurts my removal mainly plus a couple other cards, leaving the other 2 till the end is very painful for the opponent to deal with and I felt it wasnt likely to happen so I figured I'd just try it
13 个回复 |
Threw this together. Seems to have a hard time against any deck with Watto in it. Watto/Snoke was a nightmare. ZERO ways to keep them off money. |
The only deck I ever had a loss to when testing it was a close game against tarkin/snoke where I also made a couple mistakes including a big one the turn before the last. As annoying as Nute is with his resource control, which watto obviously tries to offset, its usualy doesnt determine the game. The trick is to eliminate your opponents hand of cards as quickly as possible to minimize what they play as well as potential rerolls. Takes a couple actions to get watto out and then gain money from either character power action or just collecting wattos dice. By then I've usually used Yularn for hand info, and in many cases to take your best card in later turns once things are in discard. Depending on if I need tricks from dice or just play cards in my hand, I can usually remove your hand within a few rolls or cards played which doesnt give you much time to play. Activating jabba also lets me search for removal or cocky depending on what i need. Removing your best dice and having 28 health makes the game last multiple rounds. I typlically win on turn 3 or 4. I have tested against a few watto decks and most never got close |
So I did a lot of testing on TTS against this deck as Quek was prepping for his tourney. I ended up taking to a local a few days later after he encouraged me to do so. I did make one change by taking out an Unscrupulous and putting in 1 Vandalize although I never played either card in the tourney. I went 3-1 with it only losing by 2 cards to a Lando/Leia deck in a mill vs. mill (no surprise since it's seemed like 2 wide mill has an advantage over 3 wide mill for awhile). My tourney Round By Round. Round 1: Win vs. Vader/Elite Tazin (won but Nute went down early round 2 and Yularen went down last round) Round 2. Loss Vs. Lando/Leia mill (lost by 2 cards) Round 3: Win Vs. Palp/Watto (lost Nute, but that was it) Round 4: Win Vs. Yoda/Hondo/Double Down (didn't lose a character) That particular tourney was won by a Phasma/Executioner/Retribution deck that absolutely crushed everyone it played. Last night at our open play night I ran this Villain mill deck against the Phasma deck that had won the week before (which was admittedly a couple cards different because the person running it had borrowed a 2nd Megablaster Trooper for the tourney and didn't have it for the open play night). I won that game losing Jabba semi-early and Yularen a bit later, but Nute was basically at full health at the end. It's so odd because on the surface it doesn't look like it should be that threatening, but it's continued to do well against a variety of decks. |
I think quarel from wotf would be a very good addition |
I can't remember if Quek and I talked about Quarrel, but one drawback is your opponent has either 0 resources they could choose the lose 1 resource option, or if they have 0 cards, they could use the 1 card option and not really be affect by the card because of the way the rules work. |
Quarrel is one I saw in the original deck list I saw that Kestral had. Ultimately, it didnt make the cut. Just as yoda said, often enough, my opponent would save and take additional resources from there dice to try and offset separatist conspiracy and nutes ability. Anytime you see nute on the table, everyone conserves resources. Too often, quarrell would just burn another resource. It may work on occasion, but most of the time, Id rather have every other card thats already in there |
Love the deck. Do you find you get much mileage out of Streetwise? I get that you're pulling yellow events with Jabba, but it seems like getting to a flying start might be more important than the slow burn advantage. I haven't played this enough myself to say one way or the other though. |
I can't speak for Queklaine on how he views Streetwise, but my experience playing the deck made it seem like it was almost always worth it to play it unless you just didn't draw it until the very end of the game. Early game, you're definitely going to get a lot of value from it. Mid-game, it's still worth it since it pays for itself and you usually will still have a round or two to get benefit from it. Really the only thing that you need to be cognizant of is whether you can afford to take the action needed to play the card based on how the sequencing of the round is going on both sides. As long as taking the action to play it isn't going to put you really behind in terms of taking damage, etc.. it's a good deal. With Deja Vu out, having Streetwise on the board is a very strong combo. A couple games I had both Streetwise out and Deja Vu and then you can remove an awful lot of dice for cheap. Also, in general, you almost always want to use the first round as a way to set up for the later rounds and get as many resources as you can either so you can play Deja Vu or set up for Grand Moff. I've never felt like this deck gets off to a fast start nor does it need to. Nute is almost always the first target since his ability can really slow down your opponent if left on for too long. Mainly you just want to try to keep Nute alive until at least the 2nd round so you can take advantage of his ability and the longer he hangs around, the more annoying he gets. |
I was always happy to see streetwise except in the very end. As yoda said, since it pays for itself, its always worth playing up until the very end when you might just want a different card. However, if you use jabbas ability every turn, you will cycle threw your entire deck usually by the end of the third turn. Since you rearrange the cards you put under, I just put it towards the bottom if I lose it during that. Otherwise I will draw it by the 3rd turn which usually gets me a turn or 2 worth of use since most games go 4 rounds, 5 at most against this deck. The usefulness of streetwise really shines when comboing it with deja vu. Something like entangle which costs 2. Doubleing it is 4. Being able to reduce that by one or 2 helps a ton. You can even do it for free with the 1 costs or just pay for 1 depending if you have them both out. So yes, streetwise is very useful and you will always have cards to play with it since jabba is fishing for yellow events for you all game. |
I was also under the camera for my 3rd round match with this deck, There was a delay getting it out which is why the final was posted first but it is there now for anyone who wants to watch. There was one play mistake I made which was caught by the commentary but neither of us saw it during the game. www.youtube.com |
I love this deck! So much fun to play and so aggressive, especially against an opponent’s hand. Great job building this! I have made a few changes for myself and have found Vigilance to be a life saver and crucial for late game when they have a few more dice than you would like to see (and is great against Padme, Yoda, Snoke etc) and one of each of Vandalize and Dismantle to help with those upgrades/supports that are disruptive or are very hard to stop without a Déjà Vu and Mitigation combination. It has been able to hold it’s own against Palp/Force Storm, Yoda/Padme and some other strong decks. I lost to Palp by one card and that was my fault, so I am content with that. Really great job! |
Any luck against so other meta decks. Thanks cheers |
This deck is fire.