Luminaras' troops on steroids

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Luminoda 0 0 0 1.0

501st 30

If you wanted to, you could replace the Enfys Nest's Marauder for a 2nd single die Kashyyyk Warrior, and switch out the 2 weapons with Quicksilver Baton, and the Easy Pickings and Outnumber with any removal. Seeing as the Kashyyyk Warrior does all the heavy lifting, it would be good to have 2. Unfortunately, I don't own 2, so this is personally the deck I would run. The battlefield is also flexible,especially if you get rid of the Enfys Nest's Marauder. You want the Kashyyyk Warrior to have 6 damage on them early, so you can stack up on the damage, by chaining the Luminara Unduli - Inspiring Commander special with the Kashyyyk Warrior passive ability, preferably on the 2 melee to get 6 total damage. As always, advice is welcome!
