The Vader/Tusken Hatred of Metagaming

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Vader Raider 2.0 - Consistency Wins Games 159 131 32 1.0
The Vader/Tusken Hatred of Metagaming 0 0 0 2.0

JMCB1001 1

Almost a typical Vader/Raider list. Just made changes based on local metagame.

These are what I've seen floating at the local metagame:


Bala-Tik/Trooper x2/Nightsister





My local metagame is all over the place. Because of that, shields are very important against all these different Ranged type decks, so I've added in 2 Hidden In Shadow and cut Hunker Down completely because they help out against the different variety of decks as opposed to mainly just Ranged damage. While it seems a bit counter-intuiative with Hidden In Shadow, I've put Immobilize back into the deck to further slow down the damage output because of the chance of gaining shields. If shields need to be added, I'll used the Hidden In Shadow first, then resolve shield dice. Thinking of switching the random 1-of Deflect to Dodge because it could give the Ranged damage decks more of a blowout option (although Jango still is a problem for it). But then again, it could also be a Feel Your Anger, which I feel is sort of too conditional as it could just be a "win-more" card since they were already rolling blanks.

Two No Mercy, in addition to 22 other Blue cards, makes for a consistent finisher for characters. One Mind Probe because it's expensive, but a strong, STRONG card. Two It Binds All Things to ramp up upgrades. Two Backup Muscle for the unblockable damage.

I'm not sold on the battleground, but feel its the best choice at the moment. My first build I was running Separatist Base but that ended up helping the speed aggro decks faster than it did me. Then I switched to Imperial Armory, but then again, it was helping the Jango/Veers or Trooper matchups more whenever they claimted. So I switched it again, although I'm not sure if this is completely right. Resolving the die without a cost could still help out the matches I'm trying not to help out, but I do think it can help me keep that imitative every turn that I need it by quickly rolling/claiming instead of the extra step of rolling/resolving/claiming. The only other battleground I like is the Emperor's Throne Room, but in the event that I verse the hyperspace loop at some point, I don't want to make it any easier for the opponent to go off. I also don't like giving random Crime Lord or Thermal Detonator the ability to go off.

3 个回复

TigToad 1

If ranged is common in your meta-game a second deflect seems like an auto-include.

TheoGrizz 29

Echo Base is one of my favorite battlegrounds. My natural tendency for deck-building aims for the mid game. Not all of my decks do that, but yeah. Many games I'm claiming a lot. Sometimes I barely claim, though. I like that it doesn't really hurt me if I don't claim. I might be alone here, I don't read a lot about people using Echo Base. But I like it. It suits my style.

JMCB1001 1

@TigToad Today I ran -1 Force Choke, +1 Deflect. It helped. Not sure if that's how I'd run it officially, but since the other didn't come in the mail today, it worked out.

@TheoGrizz I ran Frozen Wastes today to try something different. It wasn't the best, although it did help in one match. I may try that on TTS. Thanks for the suggestion.