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Just a quick deck to test out Dooku Jabba without using Sith Holocron . It turns out that Gaffi Stick and anything with melee damage is quite strong.

Back this up with moderate mill from cards like On The Hunt, Cunning, Thermal Detonator and Jabba the Hutt himself, you can really throw a spanner in the works of your opponent by increasing the chance of them discarding their key cards.

There are plenty of upgrades to get you there depending on whether Jabba or Dooku are focused first. The redeploy on Gaffi Stick and Lightsaber help to equip whichever character is left very quickly. Dooku is very resilient so there are a few upgrades for him which is very good if they focus Jabba down first. If they focus Dooku, then you can get him to do plenty of damage before going down whilst Jabba mills/focuses away happily.

There is a mishmash of events to cater for a variety of decks. The Block and Dodge could probably be swapped out but I like having them there in case. Electroshock and He Doesn't Like You do a great job of slowing your opponent down whilst you equip your guys.

Disarm and Intimidate add a bit more character control and then you have 1 Fight Dirty as a finisher trick. Backup Muscle is in because it's a great card and can finish a character off just when you need one more damage. Enrage just helps if resources are a bit tight and with cheap upgrades, is usually enough to get you going.

Imperial Armory helps to equip an extra upgrade per turn here or there and with two characters, you can claim the battlefield an average amount of time.

Ultimately, you want to ramp up through your 1-cost, 2-cost upgrades into the heavy hitting 3-costs. Redeploy when your first character dies. You should aim to do damage as much as possible but don't be afraid of milling when the dice rolls offer the chance.

Let me know how it runs! I know plenty of people would run a different setup to this so I'd be keen to hear your thoughts.
