You want Speed? I'll give you speed! Poe/Rey SoR

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Speed Force 0 0 0 1.0

Shuffman 95

After seeing the amazingness (all great writers makeup words) of Lightbow and Planetary Uprising, I had to find a deck which could make both of these work. Look no further than the new and hopefully improved Poe/Rey. This deck makes use of many of the old tools which made Poe/Rey so dangerous while adding some important additions:

Force Speed: Absolutely nothing better than throwing a force speed on Rey. A no brainer, just another way to cheat Poe's dice out so they do not get removed. Plus you can do some nifty combos with it, like resolving force speed, using "use the force" to change Poe to the side you need and immediately resolving it.

Handcrafted Light Bow: This weapon is absolutely incredible. The ability to use C3PO to resolves its special sides if you have it equipped is absolutely brutal to play against. C3PO don't care if you roll blanks.

Rocket Launcher - I am on the fence with this one, but so great for taking out that really brutal support if you need to or just smacking them in the face for 4 damage with Poe's special. Reason there is only a one of.

Vibroknife - Use as a springboard for action cheats and to resolve Rey's modified damage. Usually end up overwriting this pretty fast though because besides the action cheat it is not going to result in a major source of damage. This usually turns into One with the Force, Lightbow, or Force Throw.

C-3PO - No room for 2 of him. But wow does he help this deck out when needed. He singlehandedly helped me outmill a hero mill deck when Padame was loaded up with second chance and 2 ammo belts. And his ability to turn blanks into Specials is gold with Poe, Lightbow, Force Throw, and Mind Probe.

Planetary Uprising - You are going to resolve so fast there is no reason to not have this in your deck. I usually mulligan to get this out as quickly as possible. Forces your opponents into some really hard choices each round.

Caution - Thanks Rey for using your absolutely horrific dice to give Poe 3 shields for 0 cost.

High Ground - Just the removal we needed with how often we claim.


Rocket Launcher - I like having this for moments when they get that Launch Bay or some other horrible support out or just to hit them in the face for 4 damage, but you could definitely swap this out.

Use The Force - I have gone back and forth on this one many times. I like it in conjunction with the action cheats to resolve Poe to the side you need, plus it can be a good "Oh shit!" moment card to turn something really bad to a blank (not ideal use of the card though). Could definitely replace this with more healing options or maybe more removal options like Guard or Doubt. I will need to do more testing for this.

**Why did you not include..."

You are probably asking why no U-Wing? The biggest reason is it just doesn't have enough of any impact for the slot it's taking up. I want to claim so fast so I probably won't pull the resolve Poe's special to get the U-Wing out. I had this in originally, but found I was passing it up too often to resolve a different card with Poe's special. This could be another replacement for Use The Force but feels too clunky.

Conclusion I would love to hear your comments and/or any suggestions you have for improving this deck.

8 个回复

Zandig 1

I still really like Willpower and am no longer am a fan of Use The Force

Great looking deck though running something very similar (don't have two copies of Speed Force yet :) )

Shuffman 95

I have gone back and forth on Willpower but I love having Use The Force available as an offensive tool with the ability to resolve it immediately. I'll have to do more play testing.

Enfantterrible 171

I'm becoming a huge fan of Destiny, and feel that card could be what this deck needs. Use Rey's otherwise useless +2 melee to throw down a 2nd Planetary Uprising or save the resources for dice mods.

Just a thought!

Zandig 1

Dug in seems pretty great too with how often you are claiming.

Shuffman 95

@Enfantterrible I do like Destiny but it's too slow for this deck and takes up valuable card slots. I usually do not have a problem ramping Rey without it.

@Zandig I do agree Dug in is a great card, especially with claiming, but Caution fits better with it's 0 cost. Plus I'm usually happy to use Rey's worthless dice to shield up Poe.

I did end up replacing Use The Force with Willpower and I'm getting way more mileage out of it.

Zandig 1

After some tinkering I am now running exactly this deck but with good old Lightsaber in place of the Rocket Launcher. I like the redeploy and the synergy with Vibroknife in the event it doesn't get replaced.

Not claiming this deck is SSS Tier or anything since I have no idea what all else is out there, but it seems pretty solid so far in testing! Good luck to you!

Zandig 1

Also C-3PO is godlike with Poe... my goodness.

I kind of want to find a way to add Guard but don't want to cut anything else. And I looked at Doubt as well but that is a Villain card so it is out :)

sceritz 1

I'm brand new to the game (like a week in) and I've got Poe with two dice (LUCKY). I've wanted to put him with Rey but was unsure of what to do exactly due to lack of familiarity with the many, many cards. This helps immensely. Thank you.