Support Explosion

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from
Air Support 0 0 0 3.0
Good Help 0 0 0 1.0
The Infamous Strike Team 1 1 0 5.0

Steady 182

This deck is designed to gain lots of resources really fast. All these cards have 2 faces with resources increasing your chances to always roll resoruces: Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician, Hired Gun, Hired Gun, Maz's Goggles, Datapad, Comlink, C-3PO, Quadjumper, and U-Wing and Millennium Falcon have a 2value shield side. Planned Explosion is very doable with this deck, even if you fight agaist Deflect and whatnot.

Other cards like Salvo and C-3PO are also really good with expensive supports. The best part is that they are very sneaky as the opponent usually don't expect them.

The goal is to have a U-Wing or Millennium Falcon rolling on turn one or two at the lastest. Hopefully with pre-Quadjumper so you could get some shields or resources on the way. Also, Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician is nice when you have a U-Wing die on the pool and you reroll it while healing her or your Hired Gun with Field Medic.

All In is really good because they don't see it coming. Since the deck is slow most of the time, you can focus some Supports around and do tons of damage out of nowhere. Usually kills a small character, or finishes off an Elite.

After they claim, you start dropping the Supports and start rolling out big numbers freely. They can also say pass, and that is fine but the Meta seems that most of the decks want to claim fast the battlefield and even if they don't, now they are playing by your pace.

Also very importa to note: I usually have really good chances to win the innitial roll with 2 Hired Gun, and even Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician can bring good numbers. Docking Bay - Finalizer is not my final battlefiel, but for now it does a good job.

I still need to play vs Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer deck, it might be the hardest deck i could play against. They will be eating my resorces as fast as i can get them, but it could be a race i could win. Hopefully i get to play agaist one soon and test it out.

2 个回复

Epro 572

Have you considered using Our Only Hope ? Seems like theres a lot of good targets for it.

Epro 572