New deck: Dark Side Newcomers.

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
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New deck: Dark Side Newcomers. 0 0 0 1.0


This deck is a test. It uses Sith Holocron and the fact that you have cheaper cost upgrades to get them out. The oddball is Kylo Ren's Lightsaber but it is so good. Lightsaber Pike and Lightsaber are close seconds. The dice try and do multiple things like hand depletion, turning opponents dice to blanks, helping you gain resources and shields, and dealing damage.

The supports in this deck play a huge role. IBAT helps get things out cheaper and Dark Presence helps abuse your dice that have card removal to also remove opponents dice.

The events are pretty obvious as to how they help the strategy. Finish with No Mercy .

Claim to help get your specials but Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II is not as effective in this deck as it is in other builds. May change it out later for something less specific like Moisture Farm - Tatooine.

It really does not matter which character your opponent targets.

Feel free to give feedback....
